Sunday, September 1, 2013

Maid of Honor Speech Toast 3 Ways To Make It A Fail

Being chosen as the maid of honor is pretty cool, you are going to be near the center of attention during and after the wedding ceremony, but WAIT…you have to give a speech: The Maid Of Honor Speech Toast.

That’s right, you are going to have to make a speech as the maid of honor and you don’t want to mess that up and put a downer on what should be the best day of the bride’s life, but if you do, here is 3 ways to guarantee you will give a terrible maid of honor speech toast.

Here Is How NOT To Make A Maid Of Honor Speech Toast


 Make The Speech All About You

The biggest way to NOT make a great maid of honor speech toast is to make the speech all about you.  There are ways you can end up doing this without realizing it.  For instance you might make a speech about all of the times you spent with the bride while growing up. While this might seem to be about the bride but it is really about you and your relationship with the bride.
Remember there are a lot of other people listening to this speech other than yourself and you want to make in interesting to everyone.

 Don’t Prepare Ahead Of Time, Just Wing It

Another way NOT to make a great maid of honor speech toast is to think you can just make it up as you go.  This will result in a stammering, disjointed speech that will connect with no one.  A well planned speech will bring joy and honor to the bride so don’t plan your speech, just make it up as you go along.

Include a lot of Off Color, Political and Religious Jokes

This is a clear cut way to mess up a maid of honor speech toast.  The more embarrassing and humiliating the story you have to share, the more you will mess up the bride’s day. If you really want to kill two birds with one stone, just ignore the audience and the place the ceremony is occurring. Nothing kills the happy spirit of a wedding better then raunchy, off-color, inside jokes delivered in a church.

Even if your bride friend or sister might be OK with the story or joke, a lot of the audience might be offended and many weddings are held in churches, so you want your maid of honor speech toast to be appropriate for the setting.

The Bottom Line

In the end you want your maid of honor speech toast to enhance the bride’s day and not distract from it.  A great maid of honor speech toast takes some thoughtful preparation on your part, but believe me, if you pull it off your sister or best friend will never forget it.

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